Glenlands Droughtmasters
We’ve used ART in our IVF breeding programme for the past 6 years in a bid to fast track and replicate our elite genetics, and the IVF-produced bulls consistently average higher than their natural-born counterparts at our annual Glenlands bull sale.

IVF technology is more gentle and much easier on the cow due to the omission of all forms of hormones. It prolongs the donor cow’s reproductive life and ultimately makes it easier for us as seedstock producers to manage our programs and the donors involved within these programs. Additionally, utilisation of pre-pubertal, pregnant and older, post-natural reproduction cows is possible.
We’ve achieved very good results utilising ART and their IVF technology; it’s a local company and therefore easily accessible and contactable. The results of this collaborative effort can be seen throughout the Glendlands sale catalogues with our IVF cattle.
Like all new concepts we initially had reservations and early apprehensions, but with experience and the knowledge gained from successive programmes and expert guidance gained from the ART team, it’s provided us with the successful multiplication of our superior genetics.
In the past, we used MOET technology to produce ET calves, but having now used ART’s IVF programs, I can honestly say we will never return to using MOET. IVF uses no hormones, is much easier for us in terms of management and lower labour inputs, and we are more than happy with the pregnancy rates achieved.
Another added attraction is the fact that you only pay for pregnancies at 90 days … that’s a real advantage and a smart business move.
Glenlands Prince, all-time record selling Droughtmaster bull ($180,000).
Olive Brahmans
After working with Simon at ART, we discovered not only the many benefits of undertaking an IVF program, but also learned a lot with regards to animal health and management. We were overwhelmed by the wealth of knowledge on offer.
By following the ART program with nutritional and management advice, we achieved a pregnancy rate of 75%. All recipient cows were scanned to determine their suitability for use prior to commencement of the program, thereby increasing pregnancy rates and decreasing our costs of production.
The process of synchronising recipients for embryo transfer has proven much easier with ART. They advise in advance how many recipients are required, reducing veterinary costs, feeding costs and time and labour input. Our feed costs have been reduced by more than 50%, and veterinary drug costs reduced by 90%.
Previous IVF programs we had undertaken with other companies had required
a lot more time and management, with other larger clients taking precedence- we often had to transport our cattle as far as 200km to fit in with a program. ART’s IVF programs are individual and customised to meet our timeframes and requirements, they were so convenient! Each visit was well organised, with clear goals and objectives. The end-to-end process is represented by specialised staff for each step, and we were kept informed throughout. The team was very focused and efficient, but most of all they were a lot of fun!

The main difference from past IVF programs has been the pricing structure- what we like about ART is that no matter what our pregnancy rate is, we are guaranteed the number of pregnancies we have paid for. Knowing price per pregnancy has enabled us to better budget and plan for the year ahead.
ART IVF results speak for themselves – 75% pregnancy rates with reduced operating costs, all conveniently delivered on farm.